Into His Arms I Fall

prayer requests and breavement

From: Goopiegirl2
Date: 6/20/2013 10:02:10 PM
To: goopiegirl2
Subject: prayer requests and breavement

Kit Johnson fell and injured her shoulder and back and needs an mri and has to wait to have it the last one took 7 days pray for this to happen sooner so they will be able to get her better
Terry Cunningham- healing faith and comfort
Albert – he had a heart attack for 6 hours pray for him to be healed
Andrea- passed away from seizures please pray for the family
Joe D- Salvation
widow- daughter- husband and stepfather died in Korea
Tony has throat cancer
Mona- auto accident had surgery – removed spleen and inches of intestines pray for healing
Anita Stanfield – health and healing so she wont have to have surgery
Cindy M- heart failing and is in the hospital
Everett struggling with life pray for his salvation
Pat and Mike G- heart and blood problem
Elliot- knee problem
Rachel- has dizziness and pray for finances
Ed- had a problem with his finger being still the dr is going to try to do something for it pray it works out well
pray for all to go well between my grandaughter and her grandmother
pray for all the military
pray for good weather in all states and against fires this summer
pray for all missing children and adults to be found safe
pray against abuse – bullying- shootings- fightings and for peace among people and families
pray for our president to make good decisions for the country and the people
pray for all religious leaders
pray against cancer and all diseases
pray for people in convalescent homes and any care centers, hospitals, mental hospitals,
Lets pray for peace and love and helping each other
God bless each one of you for praying for these needs and may the Lord touch each of you for yours goopiegirl2 God bless

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