Into His Arms I Fall

Archive for April 12, 2013

Get Well, God’s WAY!

I will tell you what I have been doing to get well..and its working..with the doctors help..
I’m adding photo’s and some information I hope it will help you..some medicines cover up pain, doesn’t get rid of inflamation and when the pill wears off the pain is I been trying with my diet and it will take longer cause our bodys need to know its going to be healthy. The first step is water..always water..drink up to 60 ounces or more aday..get bottled the 16.9 ounces so you can have one with each meal and one in the morning when you get up with coffee..I drink water with my coffee so I can rehydrate cause caffeine will dehydrate..or green tea is the best.
Fruit and veggies are so important and fiber and protein..veggies you can eat all day..fruits like for breakfast and oats..fruits we need the antioxadents to lift up our immune system. Berries I love..I eat a lot of the berries..I was hooked on pain pills a while back but I figure not the berries are healing my inflamation, eat enough of out for citress..yes eat oranges for vitamin c but some sweet fruits could make our sugar a little higher..
Here are the photos I love it..I love photo’s and helping others.
Also exercise is very doc says I’m having some bone loss so I’m trying lots of calcium.
Above is fiber food..our stomachs and bowels and intestines carry a lot of bacteria..we need fiber to keep us flushed a days people are eating a lot of constipation fast food. Fish is good twice a month because it can have more mercury in it and cause inflamation.
Above Fruits contain many anti-oxidants like poly-phenolic flavonoids, vitamin-C, and anthocyanins. These compounds, firstly, help human body protected from oxidant stress, diseases, and cancers, and secondly; help the body develop capacity to fight against these ailments by boosting our immunity level. Many fruits, when compared to vegetables and cereals, have very high anti-oxidant value, which is something measured by their “Oxygen Radical Absorbent Capacity” or (ORAC).
Cheese be light with may upset some peoples bellies..but its good with chicken salad sprinkled over the top.
All white dressings are not to good for you, go for itallian or a berry flavored dressing. Black berries and raspberrys are amazing to fight off flu and colds as long as we keep eating them we build up our bodys slowly but the foods that are for inflamation a lot of them..berries.
I use a lot of herbs. Garlic pepper, basil, fresh garlic is better.

Nuts have it all!  

Above Rich in energy, protein, packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and much discussed omega-3 fatty acids. Crunchy yet buttery, wonderfully delicious nuts are wonderful gifts to humankind by Mother Nature.


Keep in your mind berries berries berries..

Ok now if we don’t like all the food as for taste..yogurt is awesome..

I make shakes with my berries and yogurt and add greens cause some fruits will take over the taste where someone don’t like greens.


Kiwi is good I love it..lots of others don’t but I like the seeds and the  taste.
Peanut butter and chicken and chops. Not fried broiled or baked.
Use your herbs their awesome sis..I pray this will help you.
My doctor and I are working out this diet..its working..
I’m able to get on my tread mill now, my sides are thinning down.
I still ache but not like I did four years ago.
As we get older our body changes and we need to boost our selves up with foods.
Sinus issues now are my problems and headaches so I’m searching out those problems.
Love Betty B
Jesus is my joy Ministries.

Betty’s Verse Of The Day/4-12-13

The flowers appear on the earth; the time
Of the singing of birds is come, and the
Voice of the dove is heard in our land; The
Fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and
The vines with the tender grape give a
Good smell. .
  ( Song Of Solomon 2:12-13 *KJV )
O precious Lord, thank you for the flowers and for the sun.
Keep us in Thy light today Lord, we are taking up our cross today to serve you and to serve others.
We thank you for spring, for freshness and the things you give us for our eyes to see..We pray for all today Lord, the sick and the sad..The lost and the leaders. Bless Israel and the USA Lord and keep us strong.In Jesus name amen.